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Abbonamento a Fisco Sport: come accedere

Abbonamento a Fisco Sport: come accedere

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Attualità internazionale

The second tournament of the 2024-25 Women's Grand Prix Series takes place in Shymkent, Kazakhstan. It's a ten-player-round-robin, the best two players in the Grand Prix series qualify for the...
GM Hikaru Nakamura has captured another Bullet Brawl after scoring 71.5/77—which includes a 23-game winning streak—and finishing ahead of the second and third-placed GMs Oleksandr Bortnyk and Tuan Minh Le....
GMs Koneru Humpy and Aleksandra Goryachkina both won their second games in a row (vs. IMs Nurgyul Salimova and Stavroula Tsolakidou respectively) to catch GM Tan Zhongyi in the 2024...
IM Levy Rozman (GothamChess) won the Battle of Generations against GM Pia Cramling with four games to spare. Rozman came into the final day with a four-point lead, and he...
ChessBase India's week-long, free-for-all Big Diwali Chess Camp concluded on a high note. On October 26, the penultimate day, an intense chess-solving contest took centre stage. The challenge was to...
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