FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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Assemblea Elettiva e Assemblea Straordinaria per la modifica dello Statuto FSI

Assemblea Elettiva e Assemblea Straordinaria per la modifica dello Statuto FSI

Ricordiamo a tutti gli Affiliati e Tesserati che è possibile trovare le convocazioni e tutti i modelli di candidatura e deleghe per le Assemblee F.S.I. nella pagina dedicata alle Assemblee FSI o cliccando sui banner presenti in testata del sito federale.

Attualità internazionale

Ding Liren's journey to becoming the first Chinese World Chess Champion is a testament to resilience. Rising from modest beginnings, he became the youngest Chinese national champion at 16, leading...
Indian star GM Arjun Erigaisi achieved a 2800+ rating for the first time on Thursday, joining a celebrated group of players to break the barrier. We knew it was just...
The European Clubs Cups are being held in Vrnjacka Banja for a week from Sunday, 20 October. This time, 84 teams are competing in the open tournament and 18 teams...
In their weekly review of the chess world, Arne Kähler and Johannes Fischer this time discuss a sensitive and unfortunately all-too-topical subject: cheating in chess! They talk about their experiences...
Pawn underpromotions do not happen often in practical games, but they have been an important topic in study composition more than a hundred years. Recently, the famous Babson task (Black...
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