FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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Attualità internazionale

The fourth leg of the 2024–25 FIDE Women’s Grand Prix will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 14–25 March. Ten of the world’s top female players, including series leader Aleksandra...
It's GM Vidit Gujrathi vs. GM Amin Tabatabaei and GM Rauf Mamedov vs. GM Richard Rapport in Friday's Semifinals of the 2025 Paris Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Play-In after a...
Thorsten Cmiel keeps a very close eye on the young talents in chess. During the Prague Chess Festival, he paid particular attention to how Divya Deshmukh played. Divya won the...
The 2025 Collegiate Chess League (CCL) Playoffs are upon us, and you can join in on the excitement by predicting who wins!  Can you see Mizzou repeating as champions? Will...
We're excited to announce CoachChamps, an event that will bring together the best chess coaches and most dedicated students in our community! This is the first event of its kind,...
© 2025 FSI - Federazione Scacchistica Italiana - V.le Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - CF. 80105170155 - P. Iva 10013490155 - Email fsi@federscacchi.it - Tel. 02.86464369 - Privacy