FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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"Federazione in movimento": ecco la newsletter di febbraio

"Federazione in movimento": ecco la newsletter di febbraio

Dopo la prevista pausa di gennaio, è stata spedito puntualmente a fine febbraio il numero di febbraio di Federazione in movimento, la newsletter della Federazione Scacchistica Italiana, con tutte le notizie più rilevanti dell'inizio del 2024.

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Attualità internazionale

GM Magnus Carlsen crushed GM Tuan Minh Le with a dominating 20.5-3.5 score in a one-sided contest in the first match of the second day of the 2024 Speed Chess...
Hector Guifarro had a troubled childhood. At the age of 19, he "made a bad choice" which landed him in prison. Chess was his way out. This is his story....
The final round of the US Senior and Junior Championships was played yesterday at the Saint Louis Chess Club. Vladimir Akopian (pictured) won the US Senior Championship with a round...
Three U.S. National Championships finished on Thursday in St. Louis and none of them needed playoffs. GM Vladimir Akopian had secured victory at the U.S. Senior Championship with a round...
GM Arjun Erigaisi prevailed over GM Jan-Krzysztof Duda with a combined score of 12-10, striking in the crucial final four games of the 1+1 bullet segment in the first match...
© 2024 FSI - Federazione Scacchistica Italiana - V.le Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - CF. 80105170155 - P. Iva 10013490155 - Email fsi@federscacchi.it - Tel. 02.86464369 - Privacy