FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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"Federazione in movimento": ecco la newsletter di febbraio

"Federazione in movimento": ecco la newsletter di febbraio

Dopo la prevista pausa di gennaio, è stata spedito puntualmente a fine febbraio il numero di febbraio di Federazione in movimento, la newsletter della Federazione Scacchistica Italiana, con tutte le notizie più rilevanti dell'inizio del 2024.

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Attualità internazionale

In the new episode of their "Two Knights Talk", Arne Kähler and Johannes Fischer explore the phenomenon of "killer instinct". They wonder what it is, which top players had or...
The 2025 European Championship kicks off on Saturday in Eforie-Nord, Romania. As well as a €100,000 prize fund, the players will have the chance to qualify for the World Cup...
Don't adjust your calendars: GMs Magnus Carlsen and Parham Maghsoodloo won Titled Tuesday on February 11, and they've done it again on March 11. Neither player was quite as dominant...
The Serbian Chess Federation organised its 56th International Women's Tournament in Belgrade from 1 to 9 March, on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March. German WGM Josefine...
How can chess evolve to reach an even wider audience? What lessons can it take from other sports? These were just some of the questions tackled at the MIT Sloan...
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