FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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Scacchitalia 2023/2 - Giugno

Scacchitalia 2023/2 - Giugno

Editoriale di Luigi Maggi
Neri Marcoré: cosa mi hanno insegnato gli scacchi di Anania Casale
La giornata in carcere che mi ha cambiato la vita di Alessandro Barbaglia
La sfida mondiale: il racconto dell’arbitro Bertagnolli di Anania Casale
La nascita degli scacchi va retrodatata? di Mario Leoncini
La teoria delle aperture spiegata da due fisici di Eugenio Dessy
Come è nato lo scacchipugilato di Volfango Rizzi
Capablanca tra mito e realtà di Federico Cenci
Quando anche i pezzi diventrarono autarchici di Roberto Cassano
I misteri di un quadro di Rodolfo Pozzi
Gli scacchisti enigmisti (2a parte) di Fabio Magini

Attualità internazionale

In an interview with Nico Zwirs at the ChessBase studio in Hamburg, the Dutch IM shares insights into his recent tournament experiences, his journey in the chess world, and his...
A powerful victory against GM Wesley So brought GM Alireza Firouzja into joined second place at the Superbet Chess Classic Romania, which resumed on Tuesday following a rest day. After...
Meet nine-year-old Ethan Pang from London, U.K. The chess prodigy has just fulfilled a dream after a series of incredible results that earned him the title of candidate master and...
The Collegiate Chess League is excited to announce our third annual summer season, proudly presented by Susquehanna, one of the world’s leading quantitative trading firms. The 2024 summer season will...
The talented youngsters dominated the first Kids vs. Stars match, but the experienced masters are not backing down and have brought in reinforcements. Can the stars turn the tide and...
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