FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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Scacchitalia 2018/1 - Marzo

Scacchitalia 2018/1 - Marzo

Pagine federali, di Angelo Martorelli
Intervista al GM Carlos Garcia Palermo, di Gennaro Paduano
Istruttori Italiani, di Sebastiano Paulesu
Autoefficacia in ambito scacchistico, di Ilaria Olivo
Alla Mitropa CUP 2017, di Angela Flavia Grimaldi
Europei Rapid & Blitz 2017, di Marco Caprino
Vignola Città degli Scacchi, di Carlo Alberto Cavazzoni
CIS U16 2017, di Michele Capalbo
Festival Città di Recco, di Danilo Altieri
1° Torneo Open a Squadre, di Empoli Scacchi
A caccia di campioni, di Antonello Grimaldi
Follemente scacchisti, di Nicola Santangelo

Attualità internazionale

Draws on the top three boards in round 6 of the Sharjah Masters allowed Aravindh Chithambaram to keep the sole lead in the standings. Arjun Erigaisi and Alexey Sarana grabbed...
Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura, Viswanathan Anand and Bassem Amin are testing the Casablanca Chess Variant in Morocco, as they play rapid games (15+10) starting from carefully selected positions derived from...
Casablanca Chess made a strong impression on the first day of play in Morocco. The innovative format, where games start in positions selected from historical encounters, brought excitement to both...
GM Magnus Carlsen gained a full-point lead at Casablanca Chess 2024 on day one. Combining his knowledge of chess history and his enjoyment of venturing beyond modern opening theory, Carlsen...
GM Oleksandr Bortnyk is Bullet Brawl's latest victor after he dispatched GM Jose Martinez in a winner-takes-all final game during Saturday's two-hour arena. Finishing on 246 points, Bortnyk built a 25-game...
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