FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

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"Federazione in movimento": ecco la newsletter di febbraio

"Federazione in movimento": ecco la newsletter di febbraio

Dopo la prevista pausa di gennaio, è stata spedito puntualmente a fine febbraio il numero di febbraio di Federazione in movimento, la newsletter della Federazione Scacchistica Italiana, con tutte le notizie più rilevanti dell'inizio del 2024.

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Attualità internazionale

The seventh edition of the Salamanca Chess Festival takes place on May 21-25 at the “Centro Internacional del Español” in the city’s prestigious university. The Masters Tournament, including Michael Adams,...
From Dubai to Sharjah - many of the grandmasters who played in the Dubai Open have made their way to Sharjah and are now taking part in the Sharjah Masters,...
Round 7 of the Sharjah Masters saw former sole leader Aravindh Chithambaram losing his game with white against Iranian GM Bardiya Daneshvar, the 50th seed in the event. Daneshvar thus...
Unleash the beast! Chess played its part at an unlikely event over the weekend—the 2024 Professional Bull Riding World Finals. As PBR celebrated its most prestigious event of the year...
In any sport, the win can be the result of a mistake, and a player's exploitation of it! The time has come to cut out the funny business, quit over-thinking,...
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