FEDERAZIONE SCACCHISTICA ITALIANA - Viale Regina Giovanna, 12 - 20129 Milano - Tel. 02.86464369 

In evidenza

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Dal 21 al 28 luglio a Parma Semifinale del Campionato italiano e Campionati italiani di categoria

Dal 21 al 28 luglio a Parma Semifinale del Campionato italiano e Campionati italiani di categoria

La semifinale del Campionato italiano, e i Campionati d'Italia per categorie, si disputeranno a Parma, dal 21 al 28 luglio, all'Hotel Parma & Congressi.
Il sito web dedicato è pronto e si trova a questo link.
Presentiamo il bando, allegato a questa notizia.

Attualità internazionale

It is a great way to study chess: follow the notes of a world-class coach, analysing an exciting game from a running event, click on the notation to get a...
From Dubai to Sharjah - many of the grandmasters who played in the Dubai Open have made their way to Sharjah and are now taking part in the Sharjah Masters,...
21 years after her mother won the title, WGM Lu Miaoyi clinched her first Chinese Women's Championship on Thursday in Xinhua, Jiangsu, China. The 14-year-old prodigy defeated WGM Ni Shiqun...
In Germany, the name FC St. Pauli has a special ring to it. Located near Hamburg's famous red light district, the club has a reputation for having a strong social...
Swedish chess player, celebrity, and content creator WFM Anna Cramling has joined YouTube's exclusive One Million Subscribers' Club, becoming the 11th to hit the milestone. Chess content creators have played...
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